Dusit Thani's The Pantry

Dusit Thani’s The Pantry

We like the name. It evokes a lot of different emotions so we were a bit excited for our visit to Dusit Thani to eat at The Pantry. The general feel of the place is relaxed and the buffet nothing fancy but there’s mostly a bit of everything crammed into available spaces. The star of the buffet is a big lechon. That said, it feels like you’re attending a high end lunch fiesta. There are, of course being a buffet, areas for cuisines from other parts of the world like Italian and Chinese. What made a mark though were the native delicacies so again, it would seem like the strength of this buffet is really the Filipino items on their spread. Since the place just recently opened, we are expecting that changes will still be made so we might visit again during the later part of this year to see positive improvements and maybe more exciting choices. If you’re looking for a place to celebrate perhaps a graduate in the family then The Pantry is worth a try.